Friday, 10 August 2018

SmiLe 😊 yOu DesErVe It!!!!!
One smile that moves your mind,
one smile moves all around,
one smile that teaches you,strong part of whole LIFE.

One smile that lies in you,
THe bEst MediCinE to hEAl aLL pRobLeMS
one smile makes alive to you,
one smile makes you learn a point,
spread sweet smile lond due wide.

One smile that realises pain,
one smile makes owerwhelm,
one smile is thought like,smile beats all sorrowness.

One smile brings close to one,
one smile feels proud for one,
one smile that got to say,leave each day the best you like.

One smile you are in search for,
one smile you get in respect wise,
one smile must be on your face,b'coz
 it give's versatile happiness!!!!!


Unknown Truth:

It's today, after 1 year about that incident, She is still in him. Strange, but it might be so depth to understand her till the end poi...